Tuesday, November 30, 2010

East Meets West , Holistic Medical Systems: Ayurvedic Medicine

Good day,

Today I want to talk about one of the traditional holistic medical systems that our western system has been influenced by.

Ayurvedic medicine which is from India was developed at least 5000 years ago. This ancient Indian system believes and promotes holistic living, preventative medicine, and healing. The main idea is that we want to create a balance in the three energies or doshas called Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Ayurveda teaches that a lifestyle that maintains the doshas in balance with our constitutional type will maintain health in the mind, body and spirit. Illness in Ayurvedic medicine is thought to be due to imbalances in the doshas. This could be caused by a number of things including; poor diet, emotional trauma, or a build up of toxins. 

At the centre of Ayurvedic belief are the three primal forces: prana, the breath of life; agni, the spirit of fire and light; and soma, the spirit of harmony and love. Along with these there are also five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. The five elements influence health and temperament.

One of the most popular symbols for Ayurvedic medicine is the lotus. (Many of you reading this may have this tattooed somewhere.) Each of its eight petals represents an Ayurvedic discipline:
  1. Internal medicine
  2. Surgery
  3. Treatment of ears, nose, throat, eyes, jaws, and teeth
  4. Toxicology
  5. Psychiatry
  6. Gynecology & pediatrics
  7. Nutrition, detoxification, and rejuvenation
  8. Fertility and virility

Diagnostic tools include analysis of the:
  • Body (pulse, tongue, iris, face, skin, urine, and stools)
  • Mind, spirit and environment
Ayurvedic medicine has refined the pulse as a highly accurate diagnostic tool and in some cases may be the only diagnosis used.

Food is categorized into six tastes and act on the body to increase or decrease the three doshas. It is believed that if the body becomes imbalanced that illness will follow.
A good diet will contain a mixture of these six tastes:
  1. Sweet
  2. Sour
  3. Salty
  4. Pungent
  5. Bitter
  6. Astringent
Treatments use plants, strict dietary guidelines, and exercise.  In addition to the elements and the doshas, Ayurvedic medicine focuses on the chakras (energy centres) of the body. These follow a straight line down the centre of the body and can be linked to various organs and glands and can be stimulated by various herbs.

It is very interesting how this holistic system is similar in many ways to the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) system which I will discuss in my next blog. I find it unsettling that these are two of the oldest systems known to man but in western culture many still believe them to be "unconventional".


bounce life

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Morning Cardio, is it really better?

5a.m. and your alarm goes off. If you are anything like me you literally ROLL out of bed like the old guy from the movie UP because although your brain is awake and ready, your body is still stiff as a board. It takes about 10 minutes for you to loosen up and get your clothes on. After a glass of water and shot caffeine of coffee to get you going you head off to start your day off "right".  
So you ask, "Does the touted A.M. workout really make that big of a difference? I mean, come on!"
The answer is YES especially if you get that first workout in on an empty stomach. The reason for this is quite simple. You have fasted throughout the night 6, 8 even 10 hours for some of you lucky devils! So when you hit your workout your body is running on fumes because you have not replenished your glycogen stores by eating. The first thing your body does if try to figure out where the heck it is going to get the fuel from to POWER you through your workout. Here is where you are able to potentially use fat as your primary fuel source. Now, there is A LOT of debate over this so feel free to do some research. I personally and many of my clients have found that this does indeed work. I would only advise this for cardio and not for resistance training and I would only workout at about 65% of your maximum heart rate because this will spare your muscle tissue.
The other thing that morning cardio does is rev up your metabolism for the day which means more fat burning throughout the day!

Give the A.M cardio session a try and see how it works for you. If you can do it, you may make a huge difference in your battle against the bulge.


bounce life

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pregnancy & Fitness

Good day,

Today I want to talk about how many of the old ideas about pregnancy and activity have changed. In the past it was advised that the pregnant woman was to stay off of her feet and make sure not to strain herself. Pregnancy was almost treated like a sickness instead of being celebrated as an amazing time of discovery and transformation.
We now know that a pregnant woman is capable of not only continuing to train if they are experienced in physical fitness but also start a new fitness program. There are some rules that should be followed to make sure that the mom as well as the baby are safe. Start slow and work your way into a new workout slowly if you are new to working out. If you are an intermediate or advanced trainee you are able to continue at close to pre-pregnancy levels. One of the biggest benefits of training during pregnancy is that it will help prepare you for the toughest workout of all... child birth.

Trimester by Trimester Exercise Tips

Beginner 1st Trimester
  • Walk only
  • Wait to start exercise program until 2nd trimester
  • Do not overheat or become fatigued

Beginner 2nd Trimester
  • Start with 15 minutes adding 5 minutes each week for a total of 30 minutes
  • Mild, moderate, exercise
  • Non weight bearing
  • Avoid sudden changes and hi impact
  • 3-4 days per week
  • No supine positions after 14 weeks

Beginner 3rd Trimester
  • Do not increase in intensity
  • Consistency stays up
  • 3-4 days per week
  • Likely nee to decrease intensity in late 3rd trimester

Intermediate/Advanced Trainees 1st Trimester
  • Continue at close to pre pregnancy levels
  • 3-4 days per week
  • Familiar forms of exercise
  • Listen to your body
  • Do not overheat
  • Do not train for competitive events
  • Weight bearing safe with low weights 12-15 reps

Intermediate/Advanced Trainees 2nd Trimester
  • Increase intensity
  • Full range of activities
  • No contact sports
  • Weight training is OK
  • No Supine positions after 14 weeks
  • Avoid sudden changes and hi impact

Intermediate/Advanced Trainees 3rd Trimester
  • Encourage to slow down
  • Non weight bearing
  • Postural exercises
  • Consistency stays the same 3-4 days

I hope this information helps you make a decision to start or continue a healthy, active lifestyle during pregnancy. 


    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    Cholesterol. The good, the bad and the ugly

    Today I want to talk about cholesterol and hopefully shed a little bit of light on this sometimes confusing topic.
    So what the heck is cholesterol anyway? Well, there are different types of cholesterol and we put them into two groups, "good" and "bad". Now to get a little more technical the "good" cholesterol is called HDL and the "bad" LDL but before we go into this too far lets start at the beginning.
     Cholesterol is only found in animal products. Plants on the other hand do not contain cholesterol because they cannot produce it and do not need it to function. We can get cholesterol from two sources. The first is our body via the liver and the second via diet.
     I bet you would be surprised to know that cholesterol actually has  many important functions in the body:
    1. found in every cell in the body
    2. building block for estrogen testosterone, and Vitamin D produced via sunlight through your skin
    3. major component of of the nerves in our brains
    4. 0 calories, as it does not provide us any energy
    So, contrary to popular belief cholesterol is not just an artery plugger!
    OK, so lets get back to this good and bad cholesterol thing. Here is a simple breakdown of the two:

    High-density lipoprotein (HDL)
    • Helps remove cholesterol from the body by transporting it to the liver.
    • Packets of cholesterol are formed to help move cholesterol through the blood.
    • Some experts believe that HDL removes excess cholesterol from arterial plaque, slowing its buildup.
    •  HDL can be increased with, exercise, the cessation of smoking and weight reduction.
    • High levels of HDL seem to protect against heart attack.
    • Low levels of HDL (less than 40 mg/dL) also increase the risk of heart disease.

    Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
    • Builds up on the inner walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain.
    • Together with other substances, it can form plaque, a thick, hard deposit that can narrow the arteries and make them less flexible. This condition is known as atherosclerosis.
    •  If clots form in the blood they can get caught in the narrowed artery and cause a heart attack.
    I hope this information clears up some of the confusion out there on cholesterol. Just remember that not all cholesterol is bad and is needed for many essential bodily functions.


    bounce life

    Monday, October 18, 2010

    The Power of Plants and Protein

    Good day,

    Today I want to talk about a topic that many people are confused on. The ability of plants to provide adequate protein in the diet of people who train infrequently as well as the well trained athlete. Most people believe that in order to get protein you MUST eat meat and that it is essential to have meat in the diet for strong muscles. This has been pounded into our "collective" heads in western culture for years from our parents, TV, and teachers. Here are some common myths concerning plants and protein:
    • We need meat to get enough protein.
    • Plant proteins lack essential amino acids and is poor quality.
    • Vegetarians must carefully complement plant proteins at every meal.
    • Most vegetarians end up iron deficient.
    Each of these statements is based on misconceptions from a bygone era! No nutrient essential to humans is found in meat that is not also found in diets composed of only plants.
    Why don't we take the elephant for example. These huge land animals derive ALL of their protein and iron from plants.

    While I can't go into complete detail here in this blog as there is a tonne of info out there, I will leave you some key take aways that may get you to investigate further on your own:

    1. All of the amino acids required by our bodies come from plant foods, or can be built in our bodies from other amino acids.
    2. Too much protein is not good for you.
    3. Meat-centred diets usually have a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol.
    4. Protein rich plant food bring us an abundance of benefits not found in meats.
    Below are some examples of high protein plant foods:
    1. Soy
    2. Beans
    3. Lentils
    4. Nuts
    These are just a few of the protein power houses in the plant world.
    A great book that I read in my studies is: "Becoming Vegetarian the complete guide to adopting a healthy vegetarian diet." by; Vesanto Melina, M.Sc., R.D. and Brenda Davis R.D.

    Check it or other literature on this topic and you will be surprised as to what Mother Nature has packed into the plants we eat.


    bounce life

      Tuesday, October 12, 2010

      Feed the Machine Called the Metabolism

      Good Day,

      Today I want to talk about the metabolism. I was chatting on MSN with a good friend of mine who brought up a very good topic and how people DO NOT understand how the metabolism works.
      So, first I would like to start with a quick analogy that I use with all of my nutrition clients.
      Your metabolism is like an old locomotive engine. In order for the train to move you have to feed coal (food) into the fire (metabolism). If you do not keep stoking (feeding) the fire, the train (metabolism) will stop.
      Your metabolism starts with a roar in the morning because you have fasted overnight 6-10 hours. So your body is running at full tilt. If you do not eat right away your metabolism starts to slow down. This is a natural mechanism that we have had for 1000's of years. The body automatically goes into safe mode and slows down as it does not know when the next meal is coming. So, in order to keep the locomotive going you need to stoke the fire or eat every few hours from when you wake until a few hours before bed. In doing this we keep the metabolism thinking that it has plenty of fuel and it will use the fuel properly.

      Throughout the day there will be peaks and valleys in your metabolism but eating every few hours will decrease the slowdown of the metabolism over the day.
      If you do not eat you will not lose weight because your body will think it is starving and much of your calories will be moved to fat stores in for future use.
      We need to trick the body and manipulate your metabolism in order to have successful weight loss.

      Initially if you eat less your body will lose a bit of weight but it will come back with a vengeance because your body thinks it is in starvation mode and you will gain the weight back. This is why crash diets do not work over the long term with most people gaining all of the weight back and more when they go off of it.

      I hope I have convinced you that not eating to lose weight is not an option.


      bounce life

      Tuesday, October 5, 2010

      Mother Nature's Pharmacy

      Today I want to talk about herbs and how Mother Nature provides us with everything we could ever need to survive on this planet. We have been using herbs for medicinal benefits for 1000's of years. Many herbs contain powerful ingredients, when used correctly have a positive impact on healing our bodies. Pharmaceutical companies have always focused on isolating theses ingredients to make them available in their purer form. Mother Nature put the ingredients together for a reason. The "other" components of an herb act as buffers, synergists, or counter balances working in harmony with the the more powerful ingredients. When used in their complete form, our body's healing process will utilize the "balance" of ingredients. Unfortunately these companies have made us quite dependent on their "drugs" created from isolated active compounds. With the increasing risk of side effects of these powerful drugs the medical community is finally looking a herbs as a whole for remedies.
      Mother Nature's pharmacy eclipses man's with herbs being beneficial on tissues and organs and therefore, can be used to treat, cure or prevent disease. Herbalism is an essential part of Ayurvedic (Indian), Traditional Asian (TCM), Native American, and naturopathic medicines. Herbs come in many forms: essential oils, extracts, plasters, compresses, poultices, powders, salves, ointments, creams, syrups, teas, infusions, decoctions, tinctures, vinegars and wines. Wow, are you confused yet?
      When used herbs do not have the dramatic effect that that we expect from prescription drugs. Herbs are balancers and work with the body to heal itself.
      Remember that "natural" does not mean "safe" Herbal preparations may be toxic, cause allergic reactions, or affect your response to other medications.
      We must use common sense, and care when we use herbs for either food or medicine.

      Mother Nature is amazing in what she can do and provide for us. This is food for thought when we are continually struggling to stay in harmony with her.

      A great book that I had the chance to go through in my studies and refer to quite often is "Prescription for Natural Healing" by Phyllis A. Balch.


      bounce life

      Tuesday, September 28, 2010

      German Volume Training, A great way to BURST through a plateau

      When I train myself as well as my clients I am always trying to find ways to get through plateaus. No matter what kind of training you do you will eventually hit a plateau. This is where the body has fully adapted to what you are currently doing and grinds to a halt when it comes to improving or changing. One of the training principles I use every few months to really "hammer" the muscles is German Volume Training (GVT). It is also called "ten sets method" but the GVT name became common due to the fact that this style of training had roots in Germany. This type of training is not for the faint of heart and you better have a puke bucket handy. GVT training takes your intensity to another level. For this reason you cannot stay on a program like this for too long as it will burn you out and cause over-training. Click the link to go to a website that has some excellent information on GVT training and how to build a proper program based on the principles. This program works. Give it a try and feel free to let me know how it worked for you.


      bounce life

      Tuesday, September 21, 2010

      Antioxidants Hype or Truth

      Good day,

      Today I want to talk about a key buzzword in the health and fitness industry, "ANTIOXIDANTS". You can now buy a product in almost every food category at your local super market that claims to have antioxidants in them. Great, so what does this mean for you, the average consumer? How do antioxidants affect your health? Where do they come from? Are they real and do they work? These are some of the questions that I will answer in today's post. So, lets start with the question, are they real and do they work? The answer is YES they are real and YES they work!
      Here is a brief description of how they work and affect your health. Antioxidants are natural compounds that help protect the body from free radical damage. OK, now you are asking what the heck is a "Free Radical". Well, a  free radical is an atom or group of atoms that cause damage to cells. So, Antioxidants = GOOD and Free radicals = BAD. Simple enough so far right? Some of the damage that free radicals do include, impairing the immune system, heart disease, cancer and possibly the aging process itself! Free radicals are formed by exposure to the sun, toxic chemicals such as those found in cigarette smoke, polluted air and household chemicals; and various metabolic processes, such as the breaking down of fat into an energy source.
      Now, lets talk about where antioxidants come from.There are number of phytochemicals (found in plants) and nutrients that act as antioxidants including Vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene and other carotenoids, flavanoids and the mineral Selenium. Certain herbs have antioxidant properties as well.
      Although many antioxidants can be obtained from food such as sprouted grains, fresh fruit and vegetables it can be difficult to get enough from our foods because our polluted environments are constantly generating free radicals. We can use supplements to bridge the gap but need to be careful not to focus on one type of antioxidant as they work synergistically together. It is better to take smaller doses of several different antioxidants.
      Here is a list of common Antioxidants:
      • Alpha-Lipoic Acid
      • Bilberry
      • Burdock
      • Coenzyme Q10
      • Turmeric
      • Flavanoids
      • Garlic
      • Ginko Biloba
      • Glutathione
      • Grape Seed Extract
      • Green Tea
      • Melatonin
      • Methionine
      • N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)
      • Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH)
      • Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC's)
      • Selenium
      • Silymarin
      • Superoxide Dismutase
      • Vitamin A and the Carotenoids
      • Vitamin C
      • Vitamin E
      • Zinc

      bounce life

        Wednesday, September 8, 2010

        Child Obesity

        Today I want to talk a bit about "Child Obesity". We just recently returned from a cruise to the Caribbean and my wife and I could not believe how many overweight children there were on the ship. When watching these families almost every single one of these overweight children had one or both parents that were overweight.  If I were to do the BMI calculations on these children and their parents the outcome would surely be that they would actually fall into the "obese" (> 30 BMI) category according to their BMI results. These children when put in this position are extremely hard pressed to come out later in life at a healthy body weight.  In fact, they usually tend to trend towards even greater weight gain and have a higher propensity for diabetes and other diseases. Part of the challenge is that our children adopt our eating habits early in life and if we are not eating healthy and living a balanced lifestyle it is likely that our children are following suit. With obesity and diabetes on the rise around the world we really need to focus on our children to ensure that they adopt good habits and get a fair chance to lead a healthy, balanced life early on.
        Here is an interesting article that outlines what we are discussing here: http://www.peoples-health.com/childhood_obesity_facts.htm 


        bounce life

        Wednesday, August 25, 2010

        Certified Trainers

        So today I want to talk about how the fitness industry is EXTREMELY under-regulated. It seems almost anyone can be a "trainer" and train people. I find this aspect of the industry very frustrating as there are many people out there posing as trainers who are not certified and really do not know what they are doing. Your health is your number one asset so why not do some research on potential trainers and nutritionists? Your trainer or nutritionist should not only have current certifications in personal training and nutrition but also be up to date on their CPR. Also, and this is one that people don't often think of... IS YOUR TRAINER INSURED? Any trainer worth their salt has all of the above and possibly more. Just some food for thought the next time you are looking for someone to assist you in getting to your health and fitness goals!


        bounce life

        Sunday, August 22, 2010

        Cardio Fiends

        Ok, so here is my first post with any sort of substance. Today I want to talk about all of the "Cardio Fiends" out there. "Cardio Fiends" are the people at the gyms that are ALWAYS on the treadmill, bike, stair climber or whatever equipment is open.
        First I would like to say good for them for making the effort to make a positive change in their lives! But, have you ever noticed that many of these people spend many, many hours on these machines and see little or no change in their body composition?
        There are a couple of reasons for this phenomenon.
        • These people have probably never touched a "weight" in their training history.
        • Training with weights increases muscle mass which increases your resting metabolic rate, which in turn burns more fat all day long. Makes sense right?
        • We need to weight train as well as do your cardio sessions to really make an impact on you body composition
        • Their diets are not on track with their goals.  
        • Most people forget or do not know that diet... I hate using the word "diet" as it has so many negative connotations . Lets use "eating habits". Eating habits are 70% - 80% of the battle in getting to your fitness goals.
        • If we are not burning more calories than they consume they will not lose fat
        • If we do not have balanced eating habits low in saturated fats and high in "nutrient dense" foods we will not make the progress in what we are looking for.
        So to summarize: Balance out your eating habits to fit your fitness goals and hit the weight room to really make an impact! A great way to make sure you are on the right track is by using as "Certified" Personal Trainer and Nutritionist.

        Well, that's it for today. Thanks for tuning in!


        Wednesday, August 18, 2010

        Bounce Private Studio

        So I just wanted to throw up a quick video of our studio where we provide true 1 on 1 training. It is approximately 900 square feet including the private shower and change room.


        Welcome to the Bounce Blog!

        Well.... here we are blogging... I was not really sure how all of this worked, so I did a little research and believe I have a very basic understanding of how blogging works. Hopefully you can excuse the first few blogs as they may not be the most riveting pieces of work! Anyway, welcome to the Bounce Blog! I will be talking about everything and anything that comes to mind regarding, health, fitness, nutrition and generally making our lives better and more balanced. Check out our website www.bouncelife.ca for more info on how we try to impact people's lives in a positive way.

        That's it for now.
