Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Certified Trainers

So today I want to talk about how the fitness industry is EXTREMELY under-regulated. It seems almost anyone can be a "trainer" and train people. I find this aspect of the industry very frustrating as there are many people out there posing as trainers who are not certified and really do not know what they are doing. Your health is your number one asset so why not do some research on potential trainers and nutritionists? Your trainer or nutritionist should not only have current certifications in personal training and nutrition but also be up to date on their CPR. Also, and this is one that people don't often think of... IS YOUR TRAINER INSURED? Any trainer worth their salt has all of the above and possibly more. Just some food for thought the next time you are looking for someone to assist you in getting to your health and fitness goals!


bounce life

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