Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cardio Fiends

Ok, so here is my first post with any sort of substance. Today I want to talk about all of the "Cardio Fiends" out there. "Cardio Fiends" are the people at the gyms that are ALWAYS on the treadmill, bike, stair climber or whatever equipment is open.
First I would like to say good for them for making the effort to make a positive change in their lives! But, have you ever noticed that many of these people spend many, many hours on these machines and see little or no change in their body composition?
There are a couple of reasons for this phenomenon.
  • These people have probably never touched a "weight" in their training history.
  • Training with weights increases muscle mass which increases your resting metabolic rate, which in turn burns more fat all day long. Makes sense right?
  • We need to weight train as well as do your cardio sessions to really make an impact on you body composition
  • Their diets are not on track with their goals.  
  • Most people forget or do not know that diet... I hate using the word "diet" as it has so many negative connotations . Lets use "eating habits". Eating habits are 70% - 80% of the battle in getting to your fitness goals.
  • If we are not burning more calories than they consume they will not lose fat
  • If we do not have balanced eating habits low in saturated fats and high in "nutrient dense" foods we will not make the progress in what we are looking for.
So to summarize: Balance out your eating habits to fit your fitness goals and hit the weight room to really make an impact! A great way to make sure you are on the right track is by using as "Certified" Personal Trainer and Nutritionist.

Well, that's it for today. Thanks for tuning in!

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