Tuesday, September 28, 2010

German Volume Training, A great way to BURST through a plateau

When I train myself as well as my clients I am always trying to find ways to get through plateaus. No matter what kind of training you do you will eventually hit a plateau. This is where the body has fully adapted to what you are currently doing and grinds to a halt when it comes to improving or changing. One of the training principles I use every few months to really "hammer" the muscles is German Volume Training (GVT). It is also called "ten sets method" but the GVT name became common due to the fact that this style of training had roots in Germany. This type of training is not for the faint of heart and you better have a puke bucket handy. GVT training takes your intensity to another level. For this reason you cannot stay on a program like this for too long as it will burn you out and cause over-training. Click the link to go to a website that has some excellent information on GVT training and how to build a proper program based on the principles. This program works. Give it a try and feel free to let me know how it worked for you.


bounce life

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