Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Feed the Machine Called the Metabolism

Good Day,

Today I want to talk about the metabolism. I was chatting on MSN with a good friend of mine who brought up a very good topic and how people DO NOT understand how the metabolism works.
So, first I would like to start with a quick analogy that I use with all of my nutrition clients.
Your metabolism is like an old locomotive engine. In order for the train to move you have to feed coal (food) into the fire (metabolism). If you do not keep stoking (feeding) the fire, the train (metabolism) will stop.
Your metabolism starts with a roar in the morning because you have fasted overnight 6-10 hours. So your body is running at full tilt. If you do not eat right away your metabolism starts to slow down. This is a natural mechanism that we have had for 1000's of years. The body automatically goes into safe mode and slows down as it does not know when the next meal is coming. So, in order to keep the locomotive going you need to stoke the fire or eat every few hours from when you wake until a few hours before bed. In doing this we keep the metabolism thinking that it has plenty of fuel and it will use the fuel properly.

Throughout the day there will be peaks and valleys in your metabolism but eating every few hours will decrease the slowdown of the metabolism over the day.
If you do not eat you will not lose weight because your body will think it is starving and much of your calories will be moved to fat stores in for future use.
We need to trick the body and manipulate your metabolism in order to have successful weight loss.

Initially if you eat less your body will lose a bit of weight but it will come back with a vengeance because your body thinks it is in starvation mode and you will gain the weight back. This is why crash diets do not work over the long term with most people gaining all of the weight back and more when they go off of it.

I hope I have convinced you that not eating to lose weight is not an option.


bounce life

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