Monday, October 18, 2010

The Power of Plants and Protein

Good day,

Today I want to talk about a topic that many people are confused on. The ability of plants to provide adequate protein in the diet of people who train infrequently as well as the well trained athlete. Most people believe that in order to get protein you MUST eat meat and that it is essential to have meat in the diet for strong muscles. This has been pounded into our "collective" heads in western culture for years from our parents, TV, and teachers. Here are some common myths concerning plants and protein:
  • We need meat to get enough protein.
  • Plant proteins lack essential amino acids and is poor quality.
  • Vegetarians must carefully complement plant proteins at every meal.
  • Most vegetarians end up iron deficient.
Each of these statements is based on misconceptions from a bygone era! No nutrient essential to humans is found in meat that is not also found in diets composed of only plants.
Why don't we take the elephant for example. These huge land animals derive ALL of their protein and iron from plants.

While I can't go into complete detail here in this blog as there is a tonne of info out there, I will leave you some key take aways that may get you to investigate further on your own:

  1. All of the amino acids required by our bodies come from plant foods, or can be built in our bodies from other amino acids.
  2. Too much protein is not good for you.
  3. Meat-centred diets usually have a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol.
  4. Protein rich plant food bring us an abundance of benefits not found in meats.
Below are some examples of high protein plant foods:
  1. Soy
  2. Beans
  3. Lentils
  4. Nuts
These are just a few of the protein power houses in the plant world.
A great book that I read in my studies is: "Becoming Vegetarian the complete guide to adopting a healthy vegetarian diet." by; Vesanto Melina, M.Sc., R.D. and Brenda Davis R.D.

Check it or other literature on this topic and you will be surprised as to what Mother Nature has packed into the plants we eat.


bounce life

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