Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cleansing the Spirit

Good morning,

A client and I were having an awesome conversation about some of the books we have read. We were talking specifically about Mitch Albom, the way he writes and the way that his books resonate with us.
I was saying how I need to read books again and again to make sure I stay on my "path" and how easily I forget some of the lessons.
My client L.L. said that people are always talking about doing a "cleanse" in the physical or nutritional sense. He then coined this phrase which I REALLY liked "reading and rereading certain types of books is like doing a "Spiritual Cleanse". Friggin awesome!

So I though I would give you a quick list of some of the books that I have read and that I continue to re-read on an ongoing basis to "Cleanse" my spirit in an attempt to stay on my path and let go of the fear of living my life to the fullest.

These are a few of my Fav's. Pick one up today! Hopefully you find one of these books gives your Spirit the "cleanse" you are seeking.



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