Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Feedback from Pam K

Feedback from Pam K
On Wednesday August 31, 2011
This summer was one of the best ever- thanks to Bounce!!  With a new fitness level, I was happy to enjoy many active, outdoor adventures that I avoided in the past because they were too hard.
I always thought I should lose 20lbs before I hired a trainer but I have been trying to lose that same 20lbs for years!!  As a runner, I am familiar with exercise, training and nutrition plans but I was having trouble figuring out how to make sense of all the information and improve my fitness.  Despite all my effort, my run times were getting slower so I decided to bite the bullet and sign up for a few sessions with Derek.  I chose Bounce Life Systems because of the convenient location and Derek’s specialties in women’s fitness and holistic nutrition.
I did not know what to expect from that first workout.  I was surprised to find that I enjoyed it – and most of the workouts that followed!  Derek is able to create workouts that are very hard but are educating and empowering at the same time. 

I was definitely not looking for another diet and I am very happy with Derek’s approach to nutrition and meal planning.  He worked with me to find the right program – and it works! I don’t feel deprived – I just feel motivated to see more results and I know I am able to carry this plan forward on my own.
No more ‘muffin top’!!  After 24 sessions in 3months at Bounce, I have lost almost 20lbs and gone from clothes that were a tight size 14 to a comfortable size 10.  This summer, I was at ease wearing tanks, shorts and even a bathing suit!!  The best part is that I now know I have the exercise and nutrition knowledge I need to create lasting lifestyle changes. 
My next half-marathon is in October I am certainly looking forward to setting a new personal best time!

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