Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Feedback from Pam K

Feedback from Pam K
On Wednesday August 31, 2011
This summer was one of the best ever- thanks to Bounce!!  With a new fitness level, I was happy to enjoy many active, outdoor adventures that I avoided in the past because they were too hard.
I always thought I should lose 20lbs before I hired a trainer but I have been trying to lose that same 20lbs for years!!  As a runner, I am familiar with exercise, training and nutrition plans but I was having trouble figuring out how to make sense of all the information and improve my fitness.  Despite all my effort, my run times were getting slower so I decided to bite the bullet and sign up for a few sessions with Derek.  I chose Bounce Life Systems because of the convenient location and Derek’s specialties in women’s fitness and holistic nutrition.
I did not know what to expect from that first workout.  I was surprised to find that I enjoyed it – and most of the workouts that followed!  Derek is able to create workouts that are very hard but are educating and empowering at the same time. 

I was definitely not looking for another diet and I am very happy with Derek’s approach to nutrition and meal planning.  He worked with me to find the right program – and it works! I don’t feel deprived – I just feel motivated to see more results and I know I am able to carry this plan forward on my own.
No more ‘muffin top’!!  After 24 sessions in 3months at Bounce, I have lost almost 20lbs and gone from clothes that were a tight size 14 to a comfortable size 10.  This summer, I was at ease wearing tanks, shorts and even a bathing suit!!  The best part is that I now know I have the exercise and nutrition knowledge I need to create lasting lifestyle changes. 
My next half-marathon is in October I am certainly looking forward to setting a new personal best time!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Feedback from Jamie R
On Tuesday August 20, 2011
I made an appointment with Bounce after almost a year of struggling with a sluggish thyroid, tiredness, and weight gain.  Once it was balanced I decided I needed to get back on track, lose the weight, and begin eating and exercising properly. In comes Bounce. I showed up feeling very unmotivated, out of shape, and wanting results but dreading  the what I thought would be torturous work to get there. Much to my surprise, I found a reborn love for proper nutrition and training.  Derek got me right back on track with an excellent eating plan, tweaked specifically to my needs. I actually look forward to working out because it's never the same thing twice! Derek's positivity and encouraging words always help to me stay on track and try harder. I am thrilled with the results I have seen since my first session: a significant body fat percentage drop, clothes that fit better, more energy and motivation, as well as huge improvements in my fitness level! My original intention when I started with Bounce was to sign on for 24 sessions to get back into my "fitness groove," and then branch out and workout on my own. That changed very quickly after encountering what Bounce has to offer! I have now signed up for a year of training because of all the positive gains I have made, and the overall out standing experience it has been. I am so excited to continue on and see where I will go from here.
Thank you so much Derek!
:) Jamie R

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

USDA revamps Food Pyramid and Calls it MyPlate

The USDA has replaced the old Food Pyramid with a new system Called MyPlate. The Food Pyramid is similar to Canada's Food Guide and is very hard to follow. The new concept of the divided plate makes meal portion and planning much easier to follow. It is all about portion control and dividing your plate into sections for each 4 food goups and dairy. Hopefully Canada will follow suit soon.