Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How Deadly is the Dreaded Spare Tire?

The American Cancer Society in Atlanta, led by Eric Jacobs, found that the risk of death each year increased  with waist size. Wow, this is pretty scary!  When you look around at the general population in the USA and now more and more in Canada you start to realize that a huge part of our population carries unwanted fat around the mid section. Researchers also found that an increase in waist size during a 10 year period increased the risk of death buy 25%. This is some news that we all need to take to heart... literally. Not only does this kind of body fat deposit increase risk of death it also increases the risk for many diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. All it takes is getting up off of the couch and getting active for 30 minutes 4 to 5 times per week, watch your portions (only eat until slightly full) and making healthy choices. If you can't figure it all out hire a nutritionist to get you on the right track.
Here is my biggest tip... ready.... wait for it..... GET RID OF CABLE TV!!!!



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