Monday, May 21, 2012

#1 Tip To Alleviate Low Back Pain.

When I am first interviewing a client in our initial consultation the topic always turns to the core, what it is and how to work it. 
Clients often come to me saying that they have a weak core but don't understand why because they do 100's of situps.
As always I advise them that the core is not just made up of the abdominal muscles and we don't even do situps in the Bounce studio. (extremely ineffective exercise).

I thought I had better take some time out from my vacation to talk about this part of the body that is so important to the function of our bodies on a daily basis.

Your abdomen, hips, glutes (buttocks) and low back--collectively known as your core--serve many important roles. Strong core muscles reduce the chance of backache, shield vital organs, and transfer forces between your upper and lower body as will as all twisting movements.

A simple way to work the core is with any planking movement. In order to protect your low back, you'll need to "activate"your core muscles.  Draw your belly button inward, tense your abs, and hold this stabilized position during all exercises.  I always say to my client "imagine pulling your navel into your spine" For the ladies out there perform a Kegel contraction (tighten the muscles you'd use to stop the flow of urine;hold). Most dudes have no idea what a Kegel is...LOL.

In the beginning it may be a struggle to keep your core muscles (particularly the muscles of your pelvic floor) under tension for more than a few seconds at a time.  But don't worry, you'll build core strength and stamina after a few workouts. This tip alone is one of the best ways to beat backache.

At Bounce we focus on the core and improving it not only for you performance but also for better life quality and freedom from back pain. 

If you have a personal trainer you they should be focusing on this as well.

Yours in health,
Derek Shannon

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