Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Staying Positive Through Fitness After a Cancer Diagnosis

David contacted me to see if I would mind him doing a guest post on our blog.The topic hits close to home since My Mother and my wife's Mother have both battled cancer recently! Thanks for the article David.

Staying Positive Through Fitness After a Cancer Diagnosis

Being diagnosed with cancer is a very difficult event to deal with it. On top of that, having cancer makes individuals sick and the treatment can make them sicker. This can lead to depression, withdrawal from loved ones and a noticeable decrease in energy. Fitness can help. It is not the be-all-end-all in cancer treatment. It is more for overall well-being, confidence and mental strength to help cancer patients get through their tough times.

It might sound impossible to exercise with cancer but that is not the case. Individuals that have cancer affecting the lungs, such as mesothelioma, can still be fit. Bedridden cancer patients can increase their endorphins and mood by lifting light hand weights or using stress balls. Even a game system like the Wii that requires some movement can be great for cancer patients who are stuck in bed.

Mobile cancer patients may not be able to participate in strenuous activities, such as aerobics and heavy weight lifting. Fitness does not have to be an intense workout. These cancer patients can enjoy a nice walk, get some fresh air, get their blood flowing and get their bodies producing mood-lifting chemicals. Bike riding can be good for cancer patients who will not experience pain with the movement of a bicycle. If confidence levels are too low for getting out of the house, stay in and put on the best music available for dancing. Dancing does not have to be a show of acrobatics. Just a little wiggling will get the juices flowing and the mind in a more positive place.

According to the National Cancer Institute, studies on fitness and breast cancer have shown that fitness can improve mood and energy levels in individuals with breast cancer. The known effects can lend a little more tenacity in the fight against cancer. One may not think about the other potential effects. Fitness is an opportunity to spend time with a loved one or friend. It is a way to feel and look more beautiful or handsome while dealing with cancer. There is the possibility that it can help with treatment because fitness is generally good for the body overall. There is the obvious chance that it can make an otherwise weak body more receptive to treatment.

Whatever the diagnosis and prognosis, fitness can make cancer patients feel alive and happier. That is never a bad thing. However, fitness should be undertaken under the guidance of a medical professional. A cancer patient's physician will have a good idea of which exercises are recommendable and which are not a good idea.

By David Haas 


Bounce Life.

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