Tuesday, July 5, 2011

7 Steps to Busting Through Plateaus

Good day,

Today I want to talk about plateaus and how to bust through them and continue to make gains in your training.
At one time or another we have all hit a wall or plateau in our training. Whether it was with losing weight, gaining muscle or some marker for improvement for your specific sport.

Here are 7 Steps to help you bust through any plateaus that you encounter in your training.

1. Use different training techniques for increasing training intensity. 2. Head to the gym with a specific plan in mind. 
  • This means that you won't be standing around scratching your head trying to figure out what exercises to do. It also means you can visualize your workout throughout the day.
 3. Set a time limit for your training session.
  • Make sure to set a limited time to spend in the gym so that you hammer each exercise with short breaks and keep the socializing to a minimum.
4.  Have your favourite training music on hand.
  • Put your headphones in and crank up the tunes that you like to train to. This will help you keep in the groove and push through the mental barriers that face you each workout.
5. Keep a training log.
  • You should be tracking all of your workouts so that you can improve your performance on every single outing. If you lift a certain amount last week you should be aiming to increase it this week.
6. Change sets, reps, rest periods and exercises frequently to keep the body guessing.
  •  We all get into a rut at times. Make sure to always keep the body guessing so that things are fresh. If you were resting 60 seconds between sets the last few weeks, change it to 30 or throw in a superset or drop set to really shock the muscles.
7. Use proper supplementation to really get the most out of your workouts.
Plateaus are just short annoyances that tell you that you need to change things up!



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