Monday, June 20, 2011

Turn Up the Intensity with 4 Key Training Methods

Good day,
The key to effective training is not how much time you spend in the gym but how intense you are during your workout. You ever see the people at the gym who seem to ALWAYS be there and are there for 2-4 hours at a time? These are the same people that if given the chance will talk your ear off! You will also notice that these are the people who's bodies have not changed in years. This is because even though they are at the gym all of the time and for long periods, they are not training with purpose or INTENSITY!

Here are 4 training methods that are sure to light the fire in the gym:

1) Super Sets 
  • This where you take 2 different exercises and do them one after another without a break in between.
  • You can do the same muscle groups or opposing (push/pull) muscles.
2) Drop Sets
  • Also called running the rack.
  • Start with a weight that fits your rep range profile and then drop a small amount each set and keep lifting without any breaks in between.
  • Do this until you can only get out a few reps
3) German Volume Training (GVT)
  • This is a 10 sets of 10 option that really fries whatever body part you are working.
  • Choose your weight carefully as it will feel really light in the beginning but by the time you get to the 5th set you will really be feeling it. Interestingly enough your strength will go up again usually in the last few sets.
4) 21's
  • This is an awesome option for any bodypart but is very popular for biceps curls.
  • Take the movement of any body part exercise and break it into 2 sections - bottom, and top.
  • Complete 7 reps in bottom section of the movement, 7 in the top section and then 7 full range reps for 21.
  • You will get an awesome burn from this once you have done a couple of sets.
A couple of ways I keep the intensity up is to make sure I know what I am training any given day and which exercises I am going to do. Next, Keep the workouts short, about 40 minutes works great for me. Lastly, I use a pre-workout supplement like BPI's 1MR which not only helps me keep the workout intense but also gives me an awesome PUMP!



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