Thursday, May 5, 2011

3 Fat Burner Facts

Good day,

Everyone has heard something about fat burners, these are usually in a pill format and most and are toted to "melt" the fat off of you in no time and with little or no work needed by you. This isn't exactly how they work.
Fat burners are all of the rage on the supplement market with literally 100's to choose from. While most are composed of ingredients that can give your metabolism a kick in the butt and assist you in shedding the spare tire, they can't replace a sound diet and exercise program.

Here are my top 3 pieces of advise for fat burner use.

1. Healthy, Balanced Eating is at Least 80% of the Battle

Many people get into using fat burners as a quick fix to try to shed fat without actually looking at the root of the cause and like with anything else you actually need to address the root of a problem to fix it. Fat burners cannot a will not help you lose fat if your eating habits are not where they need to be to facilitate fat loss.

Clean eating is not as difficult as it seems, here are some things to work on: portion control, push away from the table before you are full, do not eat late at night, ALWAYS eat breakfast, avoid fast/processed food, eat healthy fats, (omega 3,6), slow digesting carbs, adequate protein and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Once you have this under control then you can look at a fat burner supplement but not until then.

2. Follow Fat Burner Usage Directions

More is not better and that is certainly the case with fat burners, especially the brands that have a lot of stimulants and caffeine in them. These supplements are designed with the right amount of ingredients for fat loss. I would suggest trying the lowest dose on the label and stick to it for a couple of weeks.

3. Hit the Weights and Cardio 4-6 Times per Week

The last piece is to be sure you are hitting the gym regularly to get some intense weight training and cardio sessions in at least 4-6 times per week. The more you go the better but you need to take a day or two off each week or you will over train. If you are not sure where to start it is always smart to hire a personal trainer to start you off on the right foot and collapse some time-frames.

At the end of the day if you haven't got all of the other pieces in place fat burners WILL NOT get you to where you want to be! There are no shortcuts and there are no quick fixes. Only dedication and hard work will get you there.



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