Monday, April 18, 2011

Why is Abdominal Fat So Bad For You?

Good day,

Today I wanted to touch on the subject of abdominal fat. The location of fat on the body is very important and can lead to significant risks in diseases.
Abdominal fat in particular gives you a much higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and some cancers. High insulin levels and insulin resistance can accompany high abdominal fat and make these diseases even worse.
Scientists have discovered that high abdominal fat is part of the disease process that they call Metabolic Syndrome which consists of high blood pressure, abnormal blood fats, type 2 diabetes, blood vessel inflammation and blood clotting abnormalities. Abdominal fat cells release fatty acids into our bloodstream which triggers insulin resistance. This is where the hormone insulin becomes less effective at lowering blood sugars. High abdominal fat levels inundate the liver with fat, triggering the various events of the Metabolic Syndrome.

Remember there is no easy way or quick fix to lose abdominal fat. Do not listen to all of the BS on the infomercials about a magic pill, piece of equipment or quick fix scheme. It takes working out combined with balanced nutrition to trim down and get into a healthy fat % zone.

If you are not sure how to get there hire a personal trainer or nutritionist to give you the guidance necessary.



Monday, April 11, 2011

Lactic Acid Friend or Foe?

Good day,

Today I want to talk about lactic acid and how it works in the body. Lactic acid is always getting blamed for many things while working out such as throwing up, muscle cramps, fatigue, distressed breathing, the burning sensation that you get in your last few reps, and muscle soreness coming a day or so after a great workout.
What you probably don't know is that lactic acid actually provides energy, helps use dietary carbs, speeds wound healing processes, and also serves as a fuel for liver production of glucose and glycogen.
Glucose and glycogen are critical in exercise and without lactic acid would not be readily available.
The amount of carbs you burn through in a tough workout dictates the amount of lactic acid produced.
When we use carbs as a fuel source we produce lactate which is used as fuel by our bodies. Lactic acid is actually our friend and is an important fuel during working out but also when resting.
Lactate is the preferred fuel source in tissues such as the heart and slow-twitch skeletal muscle fibres.

So, remember that although we really FEEL the effects of lactic acid during and especially after a tough workout, we need it in our quest for a balanced and healthy lifestyle.



Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How Deadly is the Dreaded Spare Tire?

The American Cancer Society in Atlanta, led by Eric Jacobs, found that the risk of death each year increased  with waist size. Wow, this is pretty scary!  When you look around at the general population in the USA and now more and more in Canada you start to realize that a huge part of our population carries unwanted fat around the mid section. Researchers also found that an increase in waist size during a 10 year period increased the risk of death buy 25%. This is some news that we all need to take to heart... literally. Not only does this kind of body fat deposit increase risk of death it also increases the risk for many diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. All it takes is getting up off of the couch and getting active for 30 minutes 4 to 5 times per week, watch your portions (only eat until slightly full) and making healthy choices. If you can't figure it all out hire a nutritionist to get you on the right track.
Here is my biggest tip... ready.... wait for it..... GET RID OF CABLE TV!!!!

