Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Walk Stairs Two at a Time to Burn More Calories

Good day,

One of the golden rules I get my clients to adhere to is to commit to take the stairs not the elevator every day. This adds to your daily calorie expenditure. Even better is to take the stairs two at a time and also don't forget that taking the stairs down is just as important as going up. This is because you get the negative part of the movement which actually targets different muscles than going up. Ladies, if you are looking to tone up the bum then you should take the stairs two at a time and really concentrate on flexing the glutes (bum muscles) on each stair.



Thursday, March 24, 2011

Resistance or Weight Training Promotes Abdominal Fat Loss

Good day,

We all struggle with the the battle of the bulge, some more than others. Many people think that the only way to get rid of abdominal fat and finding our abs is through doing 100's of sit ups, spending days on a cardio machine or starving yourself on ridiculous calorie restricted diets. One of the things that many people don't know is that weight training actually promotes fat loss all over the body including the abs. Now we all know that there is no such thing a "Spot reducing" right? But if you weight train it builds strength, but it also improves metabolic health and promotes fat loss all over.
East Carolina University researchers, led by Robert Hickner, showed that a weight training workout caused marked increases in energy expenditure and fat use in lean and obese men.
Also, as you may already know the more muscle you have on your frame the higher your resting metabolic rate as muscle is highly metabolically active.

So, don't be afraid of the iron at the gym! With weight training, and balanced diet with the right carbohydrate, protein, amino acids, vitamins, mineralshealthy fats ratios and some cardio work you could really say goodbye to your friend the spare tire.
