Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bounce's exercise of the week Kettlebell Raises

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cereal, the not so healthy breakfast

Good morning,

I want to talk about one of the most popular food groups in your local grocery store as well as in your household pantry. 
Cereal, is probably the most popular breakfast food in the western world. This food product is very easy to eat by adding any kind of milk. 
The marketing behind cereal is pure genius as the cereal companies have us completely fooled into believing that their products are really good for us.

The Skinny on Cereal
Most of the popular cereals out on the market are heavily refined and chock full of sugar. The cereal companies have to "fortify" which means add back in many of the healthy components that they lose in the manufacturing process. But the biggest misconception that I want to talk about is the amount of sugar in these products.

Check out the graphics below on 3 VERY popular cereals that are marketed as healthy breakfast foods:

Post Raisin Bran: 19 grams of sugar based on a recommended serving of 1 cup.

General Mills Wheaties : 4 grams of sugar based on a recommended serving of 1 cup. Now 4 grams doesn't sound so bad but here is the kicker sugar is the second ingredient on the list. Ingredients are listed in the order of the amount in the product. If there is only 4 grams how is it ossible that it is the second highest ingredient on the list? Well it might be because they list the actual sugar content in the panel but the fail to mention there is also CORN SYRUP (SUGAR) in it which is the fourth on the ingredients list.  Sneaky!

Kelloggs Special K (Red Berries): 9 grams of sugar based on a recommended serving of 1 cup.
9 grams of sugar based on a recommended serving of 1 cup. Again, they list the actual sugar content in the panel but the fail to mention there is also CORN SYRUP (SUGAR) in it which is fifth on the ingredients list. 

So when you are buying your breakfast cereal make sure to take a look at the facts panel and make sure you know what you are getting. After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

